Your Rx BIN number is one of the numbers that appear on your plan ID card for your Medicare Part D prescription drug plan or Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MA-PD) plan.
What Is an Insurance Prescription Rx BIN Number?
An Rx BIN number helps your pharmacist identify your Medicare insurance company for billing purposes. BIN numbers are rooted in the banking industry, and BIN is an acronym for bank identification number. The health insurance industry, however, uses the term to identify insurance carriers for the purpose of claims processing.
Your Rx BIN number is stored in a national database that is accessible by the pharmacists and other health care providers you utilize for care.
Where Is Your Rx BIN Number Located?
You will typically find your Rx BIN number on the front or back of your Medicare drug plan ID card. It should be noted that an Rx BIN number will only be displayed on an ID card for a Medicare Part D or MA-PD plan. It will not appear on your red, white and blue Original Medicare card.
The Rx BIN number is six digits long and will be preceded by the letters “BIN.” It will typically appear alongside a few other numbers such as your Medicare ID number, your PCN (processor control number) and possibly a group ID.
What If I Can’t Find My Rx BIN Number?
You may have trouble locating your Rx BIN number, or it may be possible that it is not included on your plan ID card. If that’s the case, try calling the phone number on your card to speak to a plan representative who can tell you your Rx BIN number.
You may also check your insurance company’s website, as Rx BIN numbers are sometimes displayed next to the respective plan that is being advertised and sold online.
You may be able to simply ask your pharmacist about your Rx BIN number., the official website of the Medicare program, provides more detailed information about Rx BIN numbers and how they are displayed on Medicare insurance cards.
Is Group Number and Rx BIN the Same?
In addition to your Rx BIN number, you may also find some other numbers located on your plan ID card.
- A group ID number identifies the employer or group to which you and your plan belongs. Most Medicare drug plans do not belong to a group, so you may not have a group ID number on your card. Note that this is different from your Rx BIN number, which identifies your health insurance company.
- Another number you might see on your plan ID card is your Medicare ID number, which identifies you as an Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B) beneficiary. Note: you have a Medicare ID number even if you belong to a Medicare Supplement plan or a Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plan.
- Your PCN is your processor control number and helps route your claim to the right person for processing and helps a health care provider know if a certain service or item may be covered by your plan.
What Is My Prescription Number?
Your prescription number will appear on the label of a prescription drug bottle. You can find it by looking for “Rx#” on the label of the bottle that holds your prescription medications.
The prescription number identifies the type and quantity of drug that has been prescribed to you and serves as an easy reference for your pharmacist when refilling a prescription.
Where Is the Lot Number on a Prescription Bottle?
The lot number is usually located near the expiration date on the label of your prescription drug bottle. You will often find it near the barcode or the dosing instructions.
A lot number identifies the location from which the drugs come and is used for inventory tracking and to identify drugs that have been recalled for safety measures.
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